Possible genetic events producing colistin resistance gene mcr-1
Title: Possible genetic events producing colistin resistance gene mcr-1 Authors: PETRILLO MAURO; ANGERS ALEXANDRE; KREYSA JOACHIM Publication Year: 2016 Type: Articles in periodicals and books JRC N°:...
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Title: A review of exposure and toxicological aspects of carbon nanotubes, and as additives to fire retardants in polymers Authors: CHRISTOU Antonis; STEC Anna A; AHMED Waqar; ASCHBERGER KARIN; AMENTA...
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Title: Precision criteria of methods for the quantification of metals migrated from Food Contact Materials: Pre-validation data derived from ILCs on elements representative for plastics and ceramics...
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Title: Surface analysis of gold nanoparticles functionalized with thiol-modified glucose SAMs for biosensor applications Authors: SPAMPINATO VALENTINA; PARRACINO ANTONIETTA; LA SPINA RITA; ROSSI...
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Title: Guidance for the identification of polymers in multilayer films used in food contact materials: User guide of selected practices to determine the nature of layers Authors: MIETH ANJA; HOEKSTRA...
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Title: Scientific options for avoiding chronic fish testing on the basis of existing data and extrapolation approaches Authors: KIENZLER AUDE; HALDER MARIA ELISABETH; WORTH Andrew Publication Year:...
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Title: The need for a rapid and comprehensive adoption of the revised European standard population in cancer incidence comparisons Authors: CROCETTI EMANUELE; DYBA TADEUSZ ARTUR; MARTOS JIMENEZ MARIA...
View ArticleDirect Ion-Beam Activation of Nanoparticles
Title: Direct Ion-Beam Activation of Nanoparticles Authors: GIBSON Peter; HOLZWARTH Uwe; SIMONELLI Federica; COTOGNO Giulio Publication Year: 2016 Type: Articles in periodicals and books JRC N°: JRC87468
View ArticleA combined proteomics and metabolomics approach to assess the effects of gold...
Title: A combined proteomics and metabolomics approach to assess the effects of gold nanoparticles in vitro Authors: GIORIA Sabrina; LOBO PEREIRA VICENTE JOANA; BARBORO Paola; LA SPINA RITA; TOMASI...
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Title: Defining the roadmap towards revision of ENCR coding standards and training for cancer registries Authors: CROCETTI EMANUELE; NEGRAO DE CARVALHO RAQUEL; DYBA TADEUSZ ARTUR; MARTOS JIMENEZ MARIA...
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Title: Safety of tattoos and permanent make-up State of play and trends in tattoo practices Authors: PICCININI Paola; CONTOR LAURA; PAKALIN Sazan; RAEMAEKERS TIM; SENALDI Chiara Publication Year: 2015...
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Title: How to promote water intake in schools: a toolkit Authors: STORCKSDIECK GENANNT BONSMANN STEFAN; MAK TSZ NING; LOURO CALDEIRA SANDRA; WOLLGAST Jan Publication Year: 2016 Type: EUR - Scientific...
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Title: How to promote fruit and vegetable consumption in schools: a toolkit Authors: MAK TSZ NING; STORCKSDIECK GENANNT BONSMANN STEFAN; LOURO CALDEIRA SANDRA; WOLLGAST Jan Publication Year: 2016 Type:...
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Title: Filling nanoporous polymer thin films: an easy route toward the full control of the 3D nanostructure Authors: LI DESTRI Giovanni; TUMMINO A; MALFATTI GASPERINI A.a.; PARELLADA MONREAL L; MESSINA...
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